The CKCATS team continues to work hard to provide services in all counties. Our newly added Non Emergency Medical Transportation Medicare trips are growing and bringing in more clients in all counties.
CKCATS took a total of 78 Seniors in 8 buses to the Senior Celebration in Elizabethtown on May 23rd. The event was very successful with it serving a total of 450 Seniors in the Lincoln Trail area! We are very proud to participate and partner in making this event successful each year.
CKCATS attended the annual contract meeting with their Brokers on June 17th and June 27th. These meetings are held each year to sign new contracts, discuss the new rates, and any issues or concerns that any of the Sub-contractors may have.
CKCATS set up a booth at Senior Fair Day at the Fairgrounds in Marion County on June 27th. This is another successful event that is put on each year for the Seniors in Marion and surrounding counties. Seniors get to eat, play games, listen to music, and congregate with other Seniors while learning about the services that are offered to them in the area.
Several staff members of the CKCATS team attended the Community Action Kentucky (CAK) Conference in Lexington from June 11-15. Myself and two other staff members from CATS attended a training course in Lexington from June 5-8. This training was a complete deep dive into being a newly Transit Director or Administrator. This training was one of the most informative training courses that I have attended due to it being a smaller setting and most of the information I retained came from the group discussions. There were representatives from the Office of Transportation who attended as well, and they were able to give clear, concise answers to all our questions. This was part 1 of a 2-part training. I plan to attend Part 2 of the training when it is offered in September.
CKCATS has ordered 11 new buses through the KPTA Bid#11. According to the seller, TESCO, we should expect for these vehicles to arrive within 4-6 months. We are in dire need of new buses since it has been a lengthy period that these have been unavailable for purchase. We have been keeping our older bus fleet running smooth and safely by replacing engines, transmission, etc., but we are excited to finally receive new buses in all counties.
CKCATS is fully staffed at this time, but we are continuing to accept applications for future hiring.