Article By:  Bryan Conover, Head Start Director

Newsletter   |   Sep 18, 2024

August is a time for renewal. Central Kentucky Head Start (CKYHS) welcomed all staff back for an exciting and innovative new school year. We implemented cluster trainings where a few centers would meet together and have more one-on-one time with our trainers. CKYHS also rolled out enrollment and screening procedures that are like our school system partners. Our mission is to teach, to lead, and to serve. All these changes are in hopes to provide the highest quality preschool experience for our children and families. Central Kentucky Head Start has also created the theme for this year as our “Year of We Are S.A.F.E.” S.A.F.E. stands for “Supportive”, “Attuned”, “Forming Relationship”, and “Empathic.” CKYHS will be recommitted to these tenets for this upcoming year.

Our Bardstown Head Start and Family Enrichment Center have relocated to the new Central KY Community Action Council (CKCAC) campus at 820/830 Pennsylvania Avenue in Bardstown. Having Head Start next door to other CKCAC programs has created a one-stop shop for our children and families. Renovations of the property are almost complete with new walls, paint, flooring, and playground all almost complete! We are so excited to better serve the families in Nelson County and Bardstown, specifically.

Lastly, CKYHS is hoping to get final decisions regarding our enrollment levels for Early Head Start and Head Start. We are about to begin a new five-year grant cycle and have requested to convert a few classrooms from Head Start to Early Head Start. We have also proposed 16 Head Start children per classroom to better align with educational best practices. The hope with these requests is that we can create a sustainable and supportive environment for our program’s next five years.