Article By:  Bryan Conover, Head Start Director

Newsletter   |   Sep 13, 2023

August is a time for renewal. Central Kentucky Head Start (CKYHS) welcomed all staff back for an exciting and innovative new school year. CKYHS implemented cluster training where a few centers would meet and have more one-on-one time with our trainers. CKYHS also rolled out enrollment and screening procedures that are like our school system partners. Our mission is to teach, to lead, and to serve. All these changes are in hopes to provide the highest quality preschool experience for our children and families. Central Kentucky Head Start has also created the theme for this year as our “Year of the Why.” In everything we do, we are examining the reason behind our actions and all working together to understand the big picture.

Central Kentucky Head Start is fully enrolled as we begin a new school year. These first months of the school year are so important, so staff are working diligently to make sure we are setting the foundation for a wonderful school year. We do have plenty of staff openings and would welcome your support in helping find candidates with a passion for service and working with children!

Our Bardstown Head Start (HS) and Family Enrichment Center have relocated to the new Central Kentucky Community Action campus at 820/830 Pennsylvania Avenue in Bardstown. Having Head Start next door to other CKCAC programs has created a one-stop shop for our children and families. HS is so excited to better serve the families in Nelson County.

Lastly, CKYHS has been working with the Office of Head Start for funding applications of various types. HS received our Cost-of-Living Adjustment and Quality Improvement funds at the end of August. CKYHS was also a recipient of $250,000 one-time supplemental funds to purchase fleet vehicles and make improvements to our facilities and playgrounds. Our application to purchase and renovate the new Bardstown Head Start building is still being reviewed and we are hopeful to have good news on that application soon. CKYHS has been receiving sustainability payments from Kentucky’s Division of Regulated Childcare throughout the pandemic, which has been incredibly helpful for us to make necessary investments in our program. Those payments will cease in December 2023, so CKYHS is preparing for a new fiscal reality as we move into the new year.