Congregate Meals Program

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Newsletter   |   Feb 16, 2022

Tancy Morris, Congregate Meals Program Director

I don’t know about you all, but the Congregate Meal seniors and staff are done with winter and ready for spring! The winter weather has been relentless on our area the past few months. Our senior centers have had to be closed several times due to the inclement weather. We are hopeful the snow/ice storms are over and warm weather will return soon.

On Wednesday February 2nd our service area was under an ice storm warning.  We didn’t know how bad it would be and we wanted our participants to have food in case it got very bad.  We distributed 268 shelf stable emergency meal food boxes to our participants.  The boxes contain 5 shelf stable meals.  They were very grateful to receive the boxes and even more grateful the ice storm wasn’t as bad as predicted.

All senior centers have opened back up to in person dining. However, we are still providing meals via drive thru to those not comfortable coming inside.  I am not sure how long DAIL will allow us to provide both services, but we will continue to do both as long as we can.

July 1, 2021 – January 31, 2022 we have served 32,219 meals to 590 unduplicated clients.

We have mailed 1304 meal vouchers to 166 Meade County voucher program participants for the month of February.  This program continues to grow every day!