Contributions Keep SCP Going Through Coronavirus

Article By:  Amanda Hodgens

Newsletter   |   Aug 15, 2020

The Corporation for National and Community Service has awarded our Senior Companion Program (SCP) $220,529 to continue providing this valuable service. We will be operating in the final year of a three-year grant cycle, and are excited at the opportunities that exist to serve our community.

Several county governments have also been very generous in supporting the Senior Companion Program throughout the Coronavirus crisis.  Breckinridge County contributed $2,500, Hardin County contributed $500, Marion County contributed $5,000, Nelson County contributed $1,500, and Washington County contributed $5,400 by donating office space, as well as an additional $500 in cash.  SCP appreciates all their help and certainly couldn’t do it without this financial assistance!

Due to Covid, the Senior Companion Program unfortunately was not able to hold their “Annual Volunteer Recognition” event.  However, the SCP Director, along with county volunteer leaders delivered donations and tokens of appreciation to the homes of each volunteer.  Without these volunteers, our SCP program could not exist and we appreciate each volunteer so much.

In closing out the fiscal year, 44 Senior Companion Program volunteers provided over 46,000 hours of in-home services to 105 clients across a six county area.