CSBG Begins New Program Year

Article By:  Ellen Leake

Newsletter   |   Jul 15, 2019

The Work Plan and Budget has been approved and signed for Community Services Block Grant for the new program year.  The program priority is EMPLOYMENT. This was determined by the most recent Needs Assessment

The CSBG Staff has been busy closing out one Program Year and beginning a new one.  Staff members have worked diligently to enter all services that had been provided into the computer.  We followed up on many clients so that we could also report the outcome of our efforts through ROMA.  

We now have 170 individual gardens and 2 community gardens that are planted and flourishing with the recent rains.

The Youth Programs carried out in the counties have been very exciting. We want to provide opportunities for children who may not have them otherwise.  40 kids and their families have pool passes to swim and 22 attended 4 H and Salvation Army Camps.