Enrollments Continue to Increase for Food Program

Article By:  FCCH/UC Food Program Director Jane Claire Hupman

Newsletter   |   Dec 23, 2020

2020 has been an extremely difficult year for Child Care Centers and Family Child Care Homes. On top of the three-month closure ordered by the Governor, each center or home must temporarily close for 14 days every time a staff member or student tests positive for COVID-19. This has been a huge financial barrier for all my centers and the families of the students. Luckily, I work with very good providers and the amount of temporary closures, since the centers reopened in June, has been far less than expected.

                Even with the barriers Covid-19 has presented, the Child and Adult Care Food Program was able to sign up three new centers during the month of November. The program has welcomed Educating Butterflies in Springfield, Kids Universe in Elizabethtown, and Kyle’s Corner Learning Center in Lawrenceburg. Adding new centers to the program during such a difficult time for childcare providers has been a huge accomplishment.  We have been actively searching for new centers and homes to expand the program even further.

                If you are a Family Child Care Home or Child Care Center and would like more information on the Child and Adult Care Food Program, you may contact Jane Claire Hupman at 270-402-1977.