Family Child Care Homes/Unaffiliated Centers Food Program (FCCH/UC)

Article By:  Kathy Hagan, FCCH/UC Food Program Director

Newsletter   |   Sep 13, 2023

Central Kentucky Community Action Council (CKCAC) is a proud sponsor of the USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The CACFP is a federal program designed to promote the serving of nutritious meals and snacks to children and adults in the care of participating childcare centers, day care homes and adult day care centers. CKCAC currently sponsors 21 Family Child Care Homes (FCCH) and 23 Unaffiliated Day Care Centers (UC) in over 19 counties in Central Kentucky and beyond. The homes and centers receive monthly reimbursements based on child eligibility and meals served.

Kentucky’s CACFP Income Eligibility Guidelines and Per Meal Reimbursement Rates change each year at the close of the June reporting. Thus, the new rates began with the July 2023 reporting that was submitted and processed in August. Overall, the monthly Income Eligibility Guidelines increased by $107 up to $426 for Free Meals and by $152 up to $606 for Reduced Meals depending on the family household size (up to 8).

Center Reimbursement Rate changes, however, went up and down depending on the type of meal being served as well as eligibility. While Breakfast meals for Reduced and Free eligibility reimbursement rates went up by $0.07, Breakfast Paid eligibility went down by the same amount; Lunch/Supper Reduced and Paid eligibility went up $0.22, while Paid eligibility went down the same about for both; Snack meals went down across the board with Free meals being reduced by $0.01, Reduced meals being reduced by $0.06 and Paid meals being reduced by $0.09.

Day Care Home rates are based on a Tier system. Tier I Day Care Homes are in an area where 50% or greater of the children in the local school district are eligible for Free or Reduced meals. Tier II Day Care Homes may still have children in their care who qualify for Free/Reduced meals but are located in a school district that does not meet the 50% or greater criteria for Tier I eligibility. Tier I Reimbursements were reduced by $0.01 for Breakfast meals, increased by $0.08 for Lunch/Supper meals and reduced by $0.04 for Snack meals. Tier II Reimbursements were down across the meals with Breakfast meal reimbursements being reduced by $1.07, Lunch/Supper being reduced by $1.16 and Snack meals being reduced by $0.72.

Any Kentucky Family Child Care Homes and/or Day Care Centers who are interested in finding out more about the Child and Adult Care Food Program and how to determine whether they qualify may contact CKCAC’s FCCH/UC Director Kathy Hagan at 502-751-8894 or by email at