Article By:  Hal B. Goode

Newsletter   |   Oct 13, 2020

October 2020 Edition

It is a time full of unknowns and disappointments.  Schools are closed. Events are canceled. The news is scary. The what-ifs are troubling. This is an unprecedented time, and we need unprecedented kindness.

This is truly Good News this month.  Kathryn Good (not Goode) writes a blog called “Inspire Kindness.”   Good asks in her blog, “How can you be kind and still protect yourself, your friends, and your family?”  Here are some ideas:

Be a good neighbor.  Check in with your neighbors to make sure they have what they need and let them know they have people that care. Be especially aware of elderly neighbors and people that live alone. You know all that technology we have – let’s use it like never before to truly connect.

Support local businesses. Order takeout or buy gift cards for later use. Send a Facebook message to remind them, that very soon, we will all be back out and about again to visit their business. Continue to give to your church and area nonprofits and give more if you can.

Remember the caretakers. Find a way to say thank you to health professionals and first responders. Post words of encouragement on their social media channels. If you have to go to the doctor’s office or hospital, practice grace and understanding if they are short on time, resources, or answers.

Be generous.  Don’t take more than you need when it comes to groceries and supplies. Or if you do buy extra, drop them off at police stations, fire stations, and emergency rooms. If you eat out, leave a bigger tip than usual.

Help people.  From hungry kids that are missing school lunch to people in demand-shifted jobs like restaurant workers and custodians, there will be people all over our communities that will be struggling. If you know them, think of what could help and reach out. If no one comes to mind, give to your local United Way or food bank; the needs these organizations will be addressing will be fierce.

These are great words to live by as Central Kentucky Community Action Council and our team change people’s lives every day.

More to come …………….. much more………