Following the completion of CKCAC’s latest annual report, I always like to see on the local level how organizations impact regions. The National Community Action Partnership recently released the first National Community Action Impact Report: Building Opportunities for All. This unique and comprehensive report looks at how Community Action Agencies across the country impact the lives of 15 million people each year, creating pathways to prosperity. To access the report, visit:
The report outlines the needs families face in today’s uneven economy, the reach of Community Action coast to coast, and the impact Community Action has in communities every day. CKCAC is part of the Community Action Network, a local force of 1,000 local Community Action Agencies, reaching children and families in 99 percent of all U.S. counties. Agencies connect families to approaches that help them succeed and promote community-wide solutions to seemingly stubborn challenges in cities, suburban and rural communities. Creating pathways to prosperity, we work with our clients daily to do just that. I welcome you to be a part of it.
More to come…much more.