Weatherization at Work for the Clients We Serve

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Newsletter   |   Jan 13, 2022

David Lindsey, Weatherization Program Director

Central Kentucky Community Action’s Weatherization Assistance Program ended the year fully staffed and looks forward to what the new year will bring. CKCAC’s Weatherization program has experienced some setbacks to start out the new year with staff acquiring injury’s outside of work. We have utilized this time to achieve new required trainings as well as cross train staff to meet requirements set forth by the US Department of Energy. So, if these incidences were to arise again we would be able to continue providing weatherization services. Weatherization staff has also assisted other programs such as Head Start with moving into their new buildings and completed renovations to the newly acquired building in Breckinridge County. As of January 1, 2022 CKCAC has 57 clients on the waiting list to receive weatherization services. The Weatherization Program as of January 1, 2022 will be providing weatherization services to our 8 county area with 10 jobs in progress. The Weatherization program is fully staffed with an in-house crew and we are utilizing contractors to perform HVAC and Electrical work that we have to perform to the dwellings receiving services. We look forward to the future of the new contract year of CKCAC’s Weatherization program to progress and better serve our 8 county service area.

Our goal with Weatherization is to continue to reduce energy waste and assure the health and safety of each client we serve through testing consisting of; aliening air and thermal boundaries, pressure diagnostics, heating system diagnostics, indoor air quality, and base load energy consumption diagnostics.

Central Kentucky Community Action Council’s Weatherization program is fully staffed with highly trained supporting and technical staff consisting of: Denny Baxter, Dwelling Needs Evaluator EA/QCI; Josh Mattingly, Crew Leader; Tessa Hinton, Retrofit Installer; and, supporting staff Barbara Garrett, Weatherization Manager. We would like to say a huge thank you to all the Weatherization staff for their dedication to improving the quality of work and the dedication to ensure the health and safety of all the clients we serve.

Central Kentucky Community Action Council has leveraged funds from utilities to expand the reach of the Weatherization Assistance Program. This year we are leveraging funding from DOE, LIHEAP, ATMOS, East Kentucky Power, Big Rivers Electric, Kentucky Utilities, and Louisville Gas & Electric.