Kentucky Works Program Receives New Contract

Article By:  Tracy Dennison

Newsletter   |   Jul 15, 2019

What’s up with the Kentucky Works Program (KWP)? A new contract is what! In late May, KWP was approached by the Cabinet to take over the SNAP (food stamp) Employment & Training Program. Based on our experience with the KTAP Job Training Program and the successes over the years, it was decided that this would be a perfect fit for KWP. Services began on 7/1/19 and although there are many hiccups, as is usually the case with start-ups, this is an exciting time for the KWP staff.

Staff will work with the SNAP participants, first by assessing their current situation and then helping them to develop a plan to reach their employment goals. Some will have to start with basic soft skills training, some will need to obtain their GED and others might just need someone in their corner to help them land that much needed job.

The goal of this program is like many of the other programs ran by CKCAC—to help our participants set goals, reach them and to become self-sufficient. When this is accomplished, they will no longer need to rely on public assistance.