Kentucky Works Success

Article By:  Tracy Dennison, Kentucky Works Director

Newsletter   |   Jan 14, 2019

As part of the Kentucky Works contract, staff are required to do monthly follow-ups with participants for 12 months after they have obtained employment. Sadly, there are times that we are not able to make contact and learn from the employer that they are no longer employed. But other times we learn of wonderful success stories.

For example, in December, our staff did a six-month follow-up on a Trimble County participant working for Steel Tech. He is currently making $21.00 an hour and has recently qualified for benefits. With overtime and this awesome hourly rate of pay, he and his family’s lives have been changed forever.

Not all of our participants leave the program and get jobs that pay like the one above, but even for those that are able to obtain an entry-level job, they too are seeing changes for their families and themselves. They are learning how to be independent of government assistance and how to support their families. That is Kentucky Works at its best.