During the Senior Companion Program’s (SCP) October In-Service, our guest speakers were with the CSBG department within Central KY Community Action. CSBG Director, Ellen Leake and her staff, did a wonderful job presenting about LIHEAP. The CSBG staff come and speak to the senior in the program every year when enrollment begins. This is to promote awareness of the program and the wonderful services they provide.
The SCP also had their Thanksgiving and Christmas In-Service. During this meeting, each volunteer received a goodie bag, a $25 gift card to Wal-Mart and a meal voucher for Mordecai’s or Golden Corral.
The SCP will be accepting applications for Volunteer Leadership Positions in the six counties that we serve. All active volunteers, currently serving in the program, are eligible to apply. Leader Volunteer Positions receive an extra $50 a month for their roles and responsibilities. These responsibilities consist of the recruitment of new volunteers, assisting with fundraising and in-kind efforts, explaining the duties and benefits of volunteering to potential volunteers, signing new clients, informing the public about our services and working closely with the program director to ensure that the program operates to it’s fullest potential.