Serving Meals and More During COVID-19 Crisis

Article By:  Tancy Morris

Newsletter   |   Aug 15, 2020

Our Congregate Meals (CM) staff is still very active serving meals to an increased number of participants via drive thru locations. At this time, it is unknown when will be able to open our centers to in-person activities. However, we are looking forward to the day that we can see your faces at our facilities again. In the meantime, we continue to be a valuable resource for those in our community in need of these food resources.

In June, CM served 476 participants 8,043 meals. In July, CM served 360 participants 5,811 meals.  Only six business days into August and our program is already averaging 262 meals served per day.

Rather than having drive thru services in Brandenburg, our program is mailing restaurant vouchers to Meade County participants.  In June and July, we mailed 280 vouchers to 56 participants. Each participant received 10 vouchers that could be used at Homeplate restaurant in Brandenburg. 

Congregate Meals staff have not only been busy with the meals, we have been providing fun to the participants as well.  The staff have also been hosting lemonade stands, ice cream stands, and giving hugs and kisses (Hershey’s of course) to participants. In addition to providing nutritional information on meals weekly, the staff have also been providing participants with word searches, coloring pages and information for local resources.

With hard work and dedication, the wonderful staff and volunteers of the CM program will continue to serve meals with a smile.