Stanley Named Interim Head Start Director

Article By:  Interim Head Start Program Director Tammy Stanley

Newsletter   |   Dec 23, 2020

Although Tammy Stanley was just recently named as the Interim Head Start Director, she is no stranger to the CKCAC Head Start program. Stanley worked with the Head Start Program for almost 25 years before her retirement in early 2020. By late 2020, she was asked to come back to fill in until a new Director can be chosen. CKCAC is glad she accepted.

Head Start is continuing to provide services to meet the needs of the children and families as this pandemic drudges on. Staff are working closely with the Lincoln Trail Health Department in keeping families and personnel informed of guidelines and recommendations. Regular contact is made with each family to ensure their basic needs are being met and to assist if any type of crisis may arise. 

Educational tablets sent home with enrolled children allows teachers to track their usage, measure their skill level and make changes accordingly. All centers are assisting the local school systems in providing meals to our families, as well as distributing back pack food. 
The two Head Start buildings that are currently under construction in Springfield and Lebanon are on schedule to be completed in April of 2021.