CKCATS started out the year with 16 new, low-floor mini vans and 4 SUVS. These vehicles were made possible by 5311 Cares funding. We are currently awaiting delivery for one 12 x 2 bus and 3 more SUVS.
CKCATS hosted a Coordination Meeting on Feb 9, 2021 by Zoom. This meeting is held every year to prepare the 5310, 5311, and 5339 grants. The meeting was aimed at providing for better utilization of existing services and planning future transportation services as well as identifying opportunities for planning and coordination to address transportation needs in our service area. The grants are due on April 1, 2021, at the Office of Transportation Delivery and we will meet that deadline.
The Office of Transportation Delivery received a letter from the FTA that the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 (CRRSAA Funding) in the amount of $11.6 million for Section 5311 rural transit providers statewide. This funding will be provided at 100% Federal Share, with no local match required and will be used for Operating Expenses only.