Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Fall Subsidy Heating Assistance Program 2023-2024
Article By: Ellen Leake, CSBG Program Director, Agency Operations Officer
Press Release | Oct 10, 2023
Pre-registration opportunities for the 2023-2024 Subsidy Heating Assistance Program will be offered by appointment, October 23rd – November 3rd for those residents who are on a fixed income, and who are elderly (age 60 or over) or disabled receiving social security, SSI, pension, or Black Lung benefits. Pre-registration benefits will be posted in November.
Applicants must be within 150% of the federal poverty guidelines and willing to provide the documentation below:
Address Verification, metered utility bill, unopened legal piece of first-class mail confirming the name and address, etc.
Must reside in Kentucky. Must apply in the county of residence.
Proof of all household income for the preceding month (food stamp, award letter, pay stubs, etc.).
Social Security card(s) or official documentation with social security numbers or Permanent Resident Card Numbers for everyone living in the household.
Most recent heating bill or verification from landlord that heating expenses are included in the rent (i.e. lease agreements).
Income-eligible residents who do not meet the requirements for pre-registration (who are not elderly or disabled) may still apply for Subsidy LIHEAP benefits starting November 6 – December 15, 2023, by appointment. Walk-ins will be offered an appointment or wait for an opening.